The only man with more famous dimples than AC Slater is back bitches!!…and still looking as good as the day we met (in my dreams that is). Now of course I was skeptical about this ‘My Antonio’ situation because everybody knows that finding love on the camera = you hate yourself and want to get an STD. But this, my friends, is lovely! First off they’re in Hawaii, so honestly I would’ve applied just for the free trip. Yet when we get down to the nitty gritty, I’m realizing that this Sabato Jr. heartthrob of a man is super sensitive and all about that crazy little thing called love. Instead of drowning is his dimples, I will note that any person who wants to be on TV with chicks that he will narrow down and end up “loving,” is shallow. Already, my standout character is some chick whose name I do not know. What I do know is that she’s blonde, has a baby face (despite being almost 30) cries a lot and is a mixed bag of crazy! Keep up the good work lady!
Now let me take a moment to talk about the real breakout star: Sabato Jr’s mommy. Lol, I love her. She strolled her way up to that Hawaiin paradise wearing the most amazing oversized black hat from the Sophia Loren/ Raquel Welch collection, and stole the damn show. Let me tell you this ladies and gents: aside from my own mom, if I could chose a different kind of mother I’d be torn between an Italian mom and a Greek mom. They’re both very blunt and scare just about everyone that they come in contact with. Sabato Jr’s mom was no exception—which is good quality to have in a reality tv show star. Those little bitches were so scared I’m surprised they didn’t piss their pants. I mean can you imagine having to meet a guy’s mom on day one? (I can of course, because parents love me….I think it’s because I’m small adorable and all around amazing). Mama Sabato Jr. just sat there gave them looks that could kill, and managed to talk shit in two languages! Good work Sabato Jr. and Mama Sabato Jr. I’m hooked! See you next week!
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