Many of you may know that I desperately need to get my shit together (in more ways than one). As a matter of fact, I qualify for a good percentage of these items…but I digress. *Sigh.* I decided to put together this comprehensive list for you mere mortals. My generosity knows no bounds…I know. Oh, and if you’re offended by this list that means you definitely need to get your shit together.
10. Your life revolves around television.
9. You always see the flaws in everybody else but never in yourself.
8. You spend more time on Twitter and Facebook than in the real world.
7. You use the word “swagger.”
6. You wear sunglasses in the club.
5. You’re broke.
4. You’re 25 or older and live with your moms.
3. You never finish what you start.
2. You’re more interested in buying a nice car than a house.
1. You’re still reading this list.
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