So yes, we know that BET (aka black entertainment television) hates black people. This is clear in all of their lazy programming…but I digress. When news of this ‘Tiny & Toya’ show hit the universe, I immediately threw up. 10 minutes later I sat down and had a conversation with Jehovah. He told me to calm down, don’t judge and start paying my cable bill on-time. After viewing the show, I’m convinced that these fools have got to be my kinfolk. To the average ear, not privy to the lazy tongue that is the southern drawl, subtitles are allegedly in order. Yet to me, I can understand them just fine. Although I will say that Toya is from New Orleans which is a totally different accent than Georgia, and Florida (where my family is from) so even though the sound of her voice is strange I can still understand her. And yes I went to, and graduated from, college….before you put the stamps on your hate mail, so fall back.
When I first saw the show I thought “Aw damn, BET really hates black people! It hurts when it comes from others, but from our own people? You cut me deep BET. You cut me deep.” Then I threw up again, then I pulled it back together. The show actually isn’t all that horrible. Yes they talk funny, seem a little ghetto (lol at “a little”) and have children and no marriages, but I mean…it be like that sometimes. For what its worth, Tiny is doing her own thing. She’s been in the music game for a minute and seems to have a very big and generous heart. She is also loyal and trustworthy which are the two qualities I like in people. I can’t be mad at that. Real talk.
Then there’s Toya. Lol. A whole other story. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that she and I are the same age. I can tell in her immaturity and doe-eyed look that she is still very much a baby raising a baby and looking for guidance. Which is not a bad thing. If nothing else, she admits it. I would however like for her to understand that while the fact that she had a kid at like 14 and is now rolling in a Range, may be cool to her and others little girls in the south looking for love in all the wrong places, to the rest of us it’s craziness. No she can’t take her decisions back, and I’m sure she doesn’t regret them (her daughter is a q-t-pie) she needs to make sure that she mentions “Um having a kid at 14 is NOT cool.” Just for my little cousins living in Florida and maybe Georgia (gotta check with my mom on that) who routinely drop out of high school and have babies (true story). They need to know that linking with a rapper (before or after the stardom) does not a 5 year plan make. Either way though, I don’t have a problem with this stupid show because at this point I’m numb to BET’s idiosyncrasies. I mean at least the two chicks are showing family life. No? Not good enough? Ok. Well at least Tiny is showing how strong she is to deal with all of her family issues and still hold her head up. I admire that. Toya…um she’s….um…..she’s um….well she went and picked her mom up off the street and gave her a good talking to. No? Ok…um…..she….um…..I got nothing. Look the point is this: Tiny & Toya is classic BET exploitation of people living in the entertainment microcosm that is Atlanta. Does that make it right? No, but real talk if BET put a reality show together with black people who were not hella country we’d still have shit to say (Harlem Heights? Lol, were they kidding with that shit? No seriously, was Ashton Kutcher waiting in the wings to jump outta my TV and say “You’ve just been punked!”) The problem with this alleged black network (owned by white people no less) is that they try and copy every concept already on TV and just throw a black cast in the mix. They’re kind of like Bravo…just with more black people besides the Real Housewives of Atlanta. BET sucks and always will but we’re the one’s who dictate what they will put on because we’re the ones who do and don’t watch ( I hang around a lot of white and other non-black people they’re not watching BET as much as you think. Trust. )So who are you really mad at? You? Them?…or Jesus? (Here’s a hint, the answer is NOT Jesus. How could you stay mad at a face like that?!)
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