So since every time I say something to somebody they always find a way to throw “we’re in a recession” into the conversation I’ve decided to do another two-for-one blog post, recession style! This week my prey is The Hills vs. The City. Now when The Hills first started I was all for the coming of age story about some rich white chick moving from one rich town in Southern California to another rich town in Southern California. When Lauryn jumped into her CLK Benz, looking all poor (b/c where they come from buying a CLK is pretty much like driving a Subaru…its gross) yet wide-eyed and bushy tailed somehow I related. Then I looked in the mirror and remembered that I can’t relate to her at all. But I digress. Anywho, long story long, LC is no longer on the show and now this little chick named Kristin is taking her spot. And guess what people? I’m not that interested. I mean here we go again with the fake “tell it like it is” mantra. Enough. Starting fights with random little rich girls with “plumped up” lips (this means you Stephanie Pratt) and money to wipe their asses with does not a bad ass make. Oh and let’s not forget the super staged “encounters.” You expect me to believe this madness? Well I don’t! Why you may say? Well besides the fact that I have eyes so I can see what’s going on here, I totally saw these fake enemies on The Hills all chummy on the red carpet at more than one MTV event. Which means that everybody is just another member of the cast so big whoop. This season couldn’t be more stupid and a bigger waste of my intelligence and from MTV? I’ve been loyal to you….I expect more from you!
The City:
Now here’s how this Tuesday night lineup is redeeming itself. Since this show is only in its second season it’s still a little non-scripted (or not so obviously scripted). Kelly still needs to take a shower, Whitney needs to get a clue, and Olivia is a wonderfully vicious bitch. I mean seriously, she is pretty much all that is wrong with the world: classist, egregious, snobby, and just plane gross. This is what living in New York will do to you if you’re not careful. Living on that 13-mile strip known as Manhattan will have you believing that you run the fucking world b/c the area is so small why wouldn’t you think that? It’s no wonder that half of the people that were actually born and raised in Manhattan are certified douche bags. Which is why I don’t live there anymore. But again, I digress. Anyway, even though I hate Olivia I love her for being so terrible. Secretly she wants me to keep watching so she attempts to lay the smackhand down on her co-worker over at Elle Magazine. Perhaps she mistook her for her maid or her nanny & decided to make her feel small. Which is an awesome thing to do on your first week on the job. If you’re listening reality gods, please make her get fired. I promise to act surprised. Scout’s honor!