7:00a.m.- woke up got ready to roll out, thru in one extra pair of shoes at the last minute.
7:53 a.m.- almost had a heart attack because I wasn’t sure if I told Bre to pick me up!
8:05 a.m.- got to the airport
9:00 a.m.- got shut down for being Muslim, missed my flight.
1:02 p.m.- Not sure of the time zone I’m in…been getting stiffed by the man since I made it to the airport. Was racially profiled in this post 9/11 world & have been in a negative mood since 9 a.m. the airline totally tried to stiff me out of $6 to watch Direct TV. Wow, really? But you give me a free meal? Jedi mind tricks for sure. Got a burger, salad and a Twix on the plane (how did they know that I LIVE for a twix candy bar? They must’ve read my diary.) I offered the burger to the burly guy next to me but since I’m wearing my neck scarf on my head like a traditional Muslim Hijab, he became VERY nervous, started stuttering and refused my burger! Lol. The lady on the other side of me was nice tho…seemed unfazed by my headgear, so I offered her my burger. “I don’t eat meat kind lady, would you like my burger?” to which she replied, “You might be fine, I don’t think this is real meat anyway!” Hahaha. You’re funny miss lady. I should’ve expected her witty repertoire, she was using the electronic book invention known as the Kindle, which screams ultra-sophisticado! Muy Bien!
Hmmm…the big burly dude offered me his Twix…I think he’s feeling guilty. No thank you sir! Keep your chocolate caramel cookie crumb goodness. Nice try! After the stewardess accidentally spilled my salad back on me when I was handing it to her to throw away, I was sure Jesus was attempting to assassinate my character again!…maybe it was just an accident. Anyway, on to Texas…then NYC. Let’s Go!
5:00 p.m.-At George W. Bush Airport. The name makes me wanna puke…for obvious reasons. Realizing I’ve been played by the man yet again, paid $7 for internet access only to find that it has been firewalled @ this NEW airport! Son of a bean-stock. This sucks
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