Happy “Tuesday talk show premier day” kiddies! How excited are you that the fall line-up is finally upon us? So no…. You’re not very excited and I need to get a life? Fine. Meanwhile, let’s gab! Today is a two for one deal (recession style!) and we’ll start with The View. Season 13 and its just as crazy, forgetful and ridiculous as ever! All the usual suspects aligned (minus Hasselbeck) for a small set change for the new season. Everyone entered the room all excited and happy….except the love of my life Miss Whoopi Golderg. Decked in her traditional garb, Miss Goldberg sat down with a shrug written all over her face, rolled up her sleeves and got to laying the smack down on each chick around that table. “Whoopi, can I just say something real quick?” Barbara asked like a scared little puppy. “I’m trying to get my thought out but nobody is letting me finish…but go ahead Barabara.” Pow!!!!
Scene two: “Well Whoopi you know just speaking as a woman who has been in the same situation…” Sherri starts…”Ok but Sherri shut ur pie whole!” Wham!!! Ok, so maybe that last part was in my dreams last night, but it was pretty close to reality. What I am noticing is that everything on this show is like a visit to my grandma’s house---a lot of accusations, arguing, and then a feel good ending. Is it because they’re old and Sherri is unqualified (and needs to go to counseling to S-T-O-P talking about her stupid ex-husband)? Or is it because they’re women and women tend to talk a whole lotta nothing that gets jumbled and loud? I guess the latter. Either way I love it so lets eat it up. Can’t wait for all the guest hosts and maybe I’m the only person under 40 that watches this show, but I’m not interested in being judged so fall back haters! That’s an order!

Tyra Banks showing her real hair = fine with me. Like every black woman that has ever, or currently has, a weave or a wig we’re always worried about people thinking we’re bald (yes I said “we”) so that’s really what this show was about. Not so much about America loving themselves (that takes 2nd place to Tyra loving herself) but about this chick feeling some type of way b/c she doesn’t want people to think she’s bald. Hell Whitney Houston even did it in an interview (post Bobby divorce…during the crack years) where she said “I do have hair. My hair is down to here,” pointing at her arm. Um yeah no, if that doesn’t sound like a conversation had by every black girl on the playground who for whatever reason had to defend their “real hair” then I don’t know what does! But I’m fine with it. Tyra Banks, your hair is amazing. Your body is amazing. Your eyes are really pretty and I love that you love yourself so much that you constantly dedicate shows to that self-love b/c somewhere along the way you help out the little girl who don’t love themselves. So just like when u showed ur saggy boob on tv to prove to whoever that ur breast are real….I’m behind you 100%. Hair? Real. Boobs? Real. Eye color? Real. I get it you’re an amazing example of perfection at its finest & guest what? I’m on board!!!
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