Over the weekend I was stuck doing some serious laundry and just like all great love stories, I stumbled upon a show called ‘House Husbands of Hollywood’ and haven’t been the same since. This yummy show is about five guys who are stay-at-home dads but still lay the smackhand down on their wives! How u luv that?!
Now from what I can remember here are the characters: Grant the husband of LA anchor lady Jillian Barberie. He’s G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S with a hint of ocd, which to means he’s like my perfect man. Love it! Then there’s Danny, the weird little actor dude who is insecure b/c his wife supports him but not enough to get a waiter job while he goes on auditions like the rest of the world. Bill is the former baseball player who is super duper Mr. Mom which is fab, but has a strange addiction to making twice baked potatoes.
Then there’s Charlie who is married to some chick who refuses to be seen on camera (go figure). Charlie is straight outta’ Brooklyn and has a one-year-old son, even though he’s 50 (not that that’s old but…). He’s best friends with Ryan O’Neal, which clearly shows that he loves drugs! Just kidding. He even named his kid after Ryan. Oh wait what am I forgetting about Charlie?….oh yeah he went to prison for robbing a bank! Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Now in his defense it was like 30 years ago and he seems like a genuinely nice guy, but he’s scared to tell his wife’s parents that he’s a total jailbird. Luckily for him being in jail isn’t as bad as being on reality tv so chances are they already look at him sideways so there’s really nowhere to go but up.
Lastly is Darryl. He’s the guy from ‘A Different World,’ that played Ron. He’s totally shacking up with Tempest Bledsoe—aka Vanessa from ‘The Cosby Show.’ Now who knew that?! Not me. What’s even better is that Tempest is “working” everyday, while Darryl is on house husband status. Although it’s a little confusing because most of his scenes are with Tempest so maybe they’re “working” together. Ironically Darryl used to be super rich because his dad left him a $14 million fortune from his chocolate company. Guess what Darryl did? He blew it all…put the company in the gutter, got sued, then….got on this reality show? I notice that he’s always trying to get Tempest to stop being so “tight” with her money, which only makes sense because he clearly knows how to manage money. It aint easy blowing $14 million dollars so quickly. I mean that’s talent!
This show is addictive people. Not so much for the “drama” but just because I like seeing a man do all the “house work” then boss his wife around when she gets home from work. I mean hell we ladies do that. If you’re not watching it, take a lazy Sunday and catch up on the episodes….or I’mma come to ur house rub baby powder on my pimp hand then slap u silly.
ok I totally agree! I find this show so funny. It's embarrassing but I love it. If you need to catch up on previous episodes, you can watch them all on Fancast.