Monday June 8, 2009 is important to me for a couple of reasons. One, it’s my friend Raven’s birthday, and two it’s the premiere of ‘Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List.’ If my life were a reality show it would definitely be K.G.’s show. Well if I was a 40 something Irish white lady who also worked as a comedian. Since I am not, nor do none of the above, I live vicariously through this show. What I love the most is when people start to get a little annoyed by her craziness. Seeing as how she is always in “character” sometimes it can get a little strange. If you’re not a comedian, or regular loser like myself, the schtick gets old. Case in point, Better Midler invites Kathy into her “Vegas Life” and looked more and more annoyed by the second. How do I know this? Because when the Divine Miss M was on Oprah she was all happy and what not. How does Kathy combat this? Just when she’s pushes Miss M to the edge, she asks her a really serious question like “Who do you really get excited about?” Then they have a human connection. Nice jedi-mindtrick Griffin, your skills are pretty incredible. Either way, Miss M was so over it, it’s not even funny, seriously I’m sure there was a moment in between shooting where she was like: “Fuck this bullshit! I’m Bette Muthafuckin Midler!” I could see it in her eyes.
The epitome was when the random black crackhead chick rolled up in the camera and started fixing her hair. How ‘bout it doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world, if there is a camera and a crowd is near, a random person will jump in front of that shit, throw up the peace sign and shout out their moms. What up with that? Come to think of it, when’s the last time you’ve seen a reporter in Bangladesh reporting on some serious news shit and a random person jumps in the shot? Never right? America: take note.
Moving right along, Kathy Griffin is absolutely HIGHlarious. Her show is ironic, weird, rude and tons of fun. Her mother drinks boxes of wine, like I drink bottles of wine, which to me means that she knows where her priorities are. I salute you K. Griffin for still having your show, talking shit about people, making “Suck It” famous, and for dumping your ex who stole your money and was losing his hair. Glad to have you back!!!
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