First off let me say that Tuesday took forever to get here. Secondly, that Danielle lady is going to kill that Jacqueline lady, skin her and then wear her as a coat. “I’m very passionate about you.” Um whoa lady! Back it up and stop being all clingy. Seriously I’ve decided that this chick wants her own spin-off show b/c she is putting in WORK! Oh and if I have to tell one more crazy ass single mom that your children are not your “girlfriends” I’m going to scream! Your children can definitely grow into being your friends (when they are like adults maybe), and its nothing wrong with a child thinking that their mom is their friend. There is however something terribly wrong with a mom saying her 10-year-old daughter is her girlfriend! What kinda shit is this lady? So let me get this straight, do you guys go out and get drinks together and talk about dating and sex? No? Because that’s what you do with your girlfriends numb nuts. By the way how classic was it that she said “I just hope that I’m doing a good job” and her 10-year-old old was like “You are.” Um *Blink *Blink *Blink, is that how you measure if you’re a good mom… If your kids say you are while they are still kids?! That’s is so stupid I can’t help but laugh. Also Danielle totally did all those things in the book. How do know? Because she’s had reconstructive surgery to hide her face. Oh and Jacqueline yes she’s really capable of that. She’s from Jersey, so asking her to have morals and standards is like asking Jersey girls to not use hairspray. It just doesn’t work that way. And stop being all dramatic with the “Know who your enemies are.” Cut it out bitch, the only person on that show that has enemies is you because everybody in Jersey hates you. Which means you have to be a real douche to be looked down upon in Jersey, I mean really. Oh and one more thing just because you have a gay best friend it doesn’t mean that he’s not stupid. He is friends with you after all.
Btw Teresa’s house is amazing and her daughter is like a little adult. Although Gia may be a little racist, which is not cute. “Alberto? I don’t know how to say that. I don’t speak Spanish!” pump your brakes little girl and don’t act like a douche. Oh and say please and thank you when you ask for someone’s help. What the hell? Until next week you feisty housewives!
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