Now of course, I live an incredibly random life. I wake up to my computer, crank out news stories, interview people, and every once in a while attend a fab party (i.e. the Frankie B Jean 10th anniversary party I somehow got into the other night). This time around I made my way into the BET awards, on my own merit no less. Yes I work for “the man” so that helps, but don’t get it twisted, Latifah gets her own media access; the assignments aren’t just handed to me (well, most of the time).
Sunday I showed up at the BET Awards and after an hour of waiting in front of a door guarded by some big guy who could not be swayed by a smile and a candy bar, I finally made my way to the red carpet only to find that there was no place for me! Snap. How rude! Thinking on my feet I befriended other media people and worked my way between ABC News and MSNBC. Not bad….I guess. For the next two hours (I’m guessing, I don’t wear a watch) I interviewed some people and they mama (Shots out to Kid Cudi’s mom….we’ll be family soon? No? Too much “stalker” in my voice? Got it.). Cudi rolled through making my heart pitter patter…..Trey Songz looking so fresh and so clean, Mario kissing me & accidentally touching me in a weird place (the dress was a little open, don’t hate), Rich Ross bugging out in all white, Aresnioooooo Hall and his long finger, Gucci Mane laughing at me because I was getting irritated, Chamillionairre letting me hold his chain….blah blah blah. Wait do you notice that I didn’t interview any ladies? Yeah, well that’s because BET hated/ forgot about me, and put me at the beginning of the bad side of the carpet. Not bad because of the media people but bad because by the time celebs made it over to us they were done answering the same questions and rushed inside the building. I was happy to see Beyonce rush by like an angel in a sequenced mini-dress with incredibly high shoulder pads. Aaaah Miss Knowles-Carter you are something like a phenomenon.
One day I’m at the ASCAP awards calling Smokey Robinson’s name so he’ll give me an interview (I’m usually not that aggressive but when it’s Smokey you have to at least try. He didn’t give me interview though. I’m a failure. Sad face.) and the next I’m at the BET Awards. Not bad for The Latifah, not bad at all.
Anyway back to the topic….seeing as how I didn’t want to miss the show, me and my new best friend walked the red carpet and rolled to the “service entrance” of the Shrine Auditorium where we put on our Mission Impossible uniforms and carefully scooted under laser beams so as to not set off the alarm. Where did we end up? In the media room, eating up some nasty sandwiches. I was allowed to go to the bathroom where I ran into Alicia Keys (as I was coming out). I didn’t even realize it was her until it was too late. Random.
The Jacksons were there, Joe and Janet, plus Guy, New Edition, Keith Sweat….wait what year is this again? I’ll tell you this much: no matter what year it is groupies apparently never go out of style. Them hoes took over the BET awards like the swine flu. Cheers to you groupies, for your hard work, dedication, short dresses and high heels shoes. They don’t call it a blow “job” for nothing!
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