With only 19 days until I my bat mitzvah, I have decided to mark the special occasion by going to see Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. Gotcha! I’m not Jewish. Oh, and I’m not 13. However I am not lying about the sequel to the best movie E.V.E.R. If you’ve been reading my blog (and you better have been) you should know that I told Michael Bay of my love for his cinematic magic & he said “thanks!” I have it on tape if you don’t believe me. With that said, I have put together a list of my up-coming summer movie pics (aside form Transfomers). Oh, and a small review of the film ‘Drag Me To Hell.’ Enjoy!
Review of Drag Me To Hell- Hmmm….how can I put this? Have you ever ran into some crazy ass old lady who begged you for a loan and when you turned her down she got all psycho on you and brought the devil all up and thru your shit? No? Well, then you probably won’t like ‘Drag Me To Hell.’ Although it is short, sweet, and funnier than I ever thought it would be (I haven’t laughed that hard in years!) the rest of it was pretty effin crazy. In short ‘Drag Me To Hell’ = a bad day at the office. See it, don’t see it, I don’t really care. But I will tell you this, the next time an old lady with a glass eye and dentures rolls up in your joint asking you for something, give her what she wants or there will be hell to pay. Literally.
The Hangover: Starring my white husband (Bradley Cooper) who was even more delicious at the MTV Movie Awards. I can’t wait for this movie to come out (later today). Because my friends and I have spent many o’ nights in Vegas ‘The Hangover’ is based on the True Hollywood Story of The Latifah.
The Taking of Pelham 123: 2 words + many dirty thoughts = Denzel Washington. I was living in New York City when Mr. Washington was shooting this movie, which is why I’m guessing her kept calling my old job (this is not a lie). Either way, he never stopped by when I was around, so I’m convinced he doesn’t like me. But I heart you Mr. Washington. Also Travolta’s mustache thingy looks pretty amazing.
Year One: Jack Black & Micheal Cera. It’s Jack Black so chances are you’ll get a good chuckle out of this. Add Michael Cera and his confused antics and you’ve got a load of funny on your hands.
Public Enemies: Edward Scissor-hands stole my heart and won’t let it go. Johnny Depp and Christian Bale shooting up shit in the 30s? Sounds good to me! I’ll take two servings please!
Bruno: Borat was stupid (damn right) this however will be a classic. Even better is that he’s releasing it the day after my b-day which is good luck. Both ‘Anchorman’ and ‘American Pie’ came out on my b-day. Need I say more?
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince: Nerds unite! No I am not a total douche like my little sister, so I have not read any of these stupid books. I prefer to watch the movie and throw popcorn at little kids who try to step to me. You’ll lose every time 6-year-olds so step the fuck off! You’ve been warned.
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