Yes I’m ranting again about this ‘Real Housewives from The Garden State’ situation. Really, I have a few questions. Divorced lady who was stood up by a dude you met on the internet, can you do me a favor and leave the planet? No seriously, I’m not being funny. Perhaps a woman of your mindset would be better suited on a planet like Mars. Riddle me this wonderfully lazy lady, how is it that you are begging your ex-husband to let you go and give you your “financial freedom” by paying you money for your settlement? That’s like asking someone to kill you to keep you alive. Do you get where I’m going with this? You’re a psycho. Since I am a firm believer in the fact that children are every parent’s legacy and/or offering to the world, I gotta’ tell you…your score is looking pretty bad. Explain to me how you are raising two girls, who will hopefully become wonderful women, and teaching them that a man has to take care of them? Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being “taken care of” but there is something terribly wrong with being so stupid that should he leave (and if you over-tan, get a gross facelift, and grosser breast implants…chances are he will) you will be left with nothing to stand on. Please leave. Please. Oh and dating a fat younger man that goops his hair back with bottles of hair gel does NOT make you look sexy. It makes you look old. Note to ALL white women who think that this is ok: You are NOT I repeat NOT Demi Moore, or Kim Cattrall. Those women are amazing with or without young husbands/boyfriends. You however are not. So stop it.
Dina? Your cat is as hairless as your soul is black. Lol…so mean. Really though what’s with rich people feeling the need to get gross ass hairless cats that are clearly unattractive? I mean let’s face it, when’s the last time a hairless cat looked in the mirror and said “Golly I am gorgeous!” Um no, it doesn’t work that way. Hairless cats hate themselves, which is why they always look so damn depressed. You carrying one makes you look like Dr. Evil, and seeing as how he is a power-hungry fictitious character, that is not a compliment. Also, about the “getting an assistant” even when you don’t really need one” that shit is played. How played? As played as pretending that living in New Jersey is actually a good thing.
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