Every once in a while it gets too fake for my liking. Of course I know that it is and will remain the best scripted reality show on television, but sometimes after watching it I feel like scooping my brain out with a spoon. We’re still pretending that we don’t know what’s going to happen next, complete cast of The Hills? As if you don’t get a script delivered to your door to tell you! I mean c’mon insult my intelligence but don’t be careless about it!
After viewing tonight’s episode there are a couple of things that I never realized. 1.) Audrina is actually really pretty….she should wear her hair back more often. 2.) Rich people are some of the biggest douche bags on the face of the earth. Since my first comment is self-explanatory I will just jump to my second point. Stephanie Pratt, you are a douche. First off why in the hell is everybody pretending that you actually “worked” for Kelly? It was an internship! Why are you asking her what she’s going to do now that she doesn’t have a job? What the hell?! She’s gonna’ do the same things she’s been doing: being rich, blonde, dumb and a douche. In case you didn’t know that is a full-time job in itself. To prove how dumb and rich she is she didn’t even know that Kelly Cutrone threw the party that she was chilling all up and thru. Like really? Also, how amazing is it that no matter how many amazing parties Kelly throws she will never shower nor wash her hair? I can only hope to get to that level of success. I salute you Kelly Cutrone.
In other news, Audrina word of advice: If you are going to attempt to be all hard-core after “sleeping in Brody’s bed” by saying “If she wants to start a war…then bring it.” (or something like that) then look alive. Yeah no, you got punk’d when Brody ignored you despite the fact that his Playboy bunny girlfriend is wearing one of the ugliest headbands known to man. That my friend is power. You may have won the battle Audrina, but clearly Jade won the war.
P.S. How cool is it that Spencer Pratt is not only the devil but he makes house calls? Calling Lauren with that half-ass apology? Unbelievable. Stay tuned for my season finale round-up it’s sure to be just as pointless as the actual show itself.
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