....things are getting a little awkward. So here's the deal Mr. James Thomas Fallon, you are pretty much amazing this I will give you, but when it comes to the show...not so much. Wait! Wait! Before you start throwing eggs at me just let me finish. Seems to me like Late Night With Jimmy Fallon is turning into Jimmy Fallon reunites with his SNL family that make him laugh harder than he makes them laugh. Now I totally understand that you are less of a comedian and more of an impressionist (which you are amazing at by the way) but seriously...it's getting kind of weird for me. Almost to the point where I have to cover my eyes only because your nervousness is starting to permeate through my television screen. I know you are still getting your sea legs and I also know that Conan O'Brien is a tough act to follow (I mean still doing 'In The Year 2000' way after the year 2000 is pretty much genius)but step it up Fallon. Get your head in the game and just go for it. If people don't laugh kick them out of the studio and invite other people who will laugh. And if those people don't laugh then hire a studio audience & pay them to laugh. Do whatever it takes (you can hire me if you want...although I do live in CA so the commute would probably be a bitch) just please please don't ever let me see members of The Roots wearing mullet wigs EVER again. Seriously, like I can't EVER see anything like that again, or my brain will explode. Ask my doctor...it's the truth.
Anyway, that's basically all I wanted to tell you James Thomas Fallon. I'm pulling for you so get this show out of the crapper or I will be forced to put my hand in some baby powder then bitch slap you to high heaven. I don't want to have to do it, but I'm definitely not against it.
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