Friday, May 22, 2009

Superman? I'll Show You Superman Dwight Howard

I may or may not have had a run-in with a social rapist. Because I am dramatic and clearly have little regard for humankind, I am forced to compare what I experienced to social rape. This basically means force....not sexual. Just hearing "no means no" and deciding that you don't care. Now that I've got that off my chest lets get back to basics.

Earlier this evening I was watching this thing called basketball. I made it about 20 minutes into a game between Orlando and Cleveland. If you don't already know, I loves me some Cleveland. Is it b/c of LeBron? You damn right. But not b/c you think I'm a total follower. My love respect and admiration for LeBron James came during All Star weekend. I believe it was 2008 cuz in 2007 I was in Vegas getting it in while trying to hide from my stupid ex boyfriend, so I don't remember watching much t.v. Anyway, I started to love LeBron when his teammate Boobie was playing in the rookie game or maybe it was some other game...either way LeBron had his back. Wearing a cute tan jacket he screamed: "Go Boobie! Lets go Boobie! Marry me Boobie!" Ok, so that last part was all me...but the point is that is when I thought, 'damn this dude is a real team player.' Not like that fake ass Kobe Bryant character who is so foul his basketball game has no choice but to be fuckin sick (aka amazing). Unlike Kobe, LeBron is not all about the LeBron show. In my eyes he's the guy who's not always tryna take the spotlight but he deserves it so he always shows up. Kobe on the other hand likes to rape the spotlight until its limp and laying on the ground trying to crawl away. Then words starts to come out that he's a fuckin douche fuckin bag whose coach didn't even wanna fuck with him a few years ago. Then he'll do some ill shit like score 81 fucking points in a game to make you forget about the other stuff. This my friends is the cycle of case you ain't know.

Now imagine my surprise when I realized that I turned to 'Down Home With The Neely's' to see what they were cooking then got side tracked with a social rapist who wouldn't let me get off the phone, only to forget about the game all together. And then what happens? LeBron does some super fly shit like shoot the game winning three pointer and shuts that shit down. Here's your ass whoopin Orlando Magics. Signed. Sealed. Delivered.

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