While trolling the internet the other night I came across a show about ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder) on A&E called ‘Obsessed.’ Whether you know it or not, I myself have a few ocd tendencies of my own. Stop judging me right now! I mean it. Of course for me it started as a kid (like 8 or so…who knows) having to touch things with both hands, not stepping on cracks, oh and my favorite and most annoying ocd “ritual”: counting any and every fucking thing that I see. As you can probably guess living a life with ocd is pretty much hell. Throw in a fear of germs and that’s basically a recipe for disaster. I myself got rid of some of my ocd tendencies by going to college and being forced to live with and be around thousands of other human beings on the daily. Somewhere along the way, a good friend of mine foolishly picked up my fear of germs (maybe she thinks its cool…I’m not really sure) as I tried to drop it. Now at 25, I have long since decided that all the other stuff can go, but the germ things stays. Nowadays I pick up other ridiculous ocd things from watching too much t.v. (which is how the germ thing first got started no thanks to an episode of Oprah Winfrey’s show. Thanks Ofrey! You ruined my life!). Not convinced that I’m a total psycho? Well, I got my compulsion to make sure that everything in my refrigerator are facing forward from Simon Cowell. The idea to vacuum in straight lines from David Beckham, oh and the idea to line up my shoes and color-coat my closet from myself (genius I tell you! Genius!). So imagine my horror when I turned to the show on A&E and saw glimpses of my life. One guy washed his hands up to 30 times a day. Me…I have class so I wash my hands about 5-10 time a day (depending on what I’m doing). Yes I’m the person that sanitizes remotes controls in hotel rooms (you’d be surprised how much bacteria lives there people), wipe down doorknobs, and still counts everything that I see. The last one is the only one that really gets on my nerves, but I’m too lazy to get help for it.
The point of this blog is to say that watching ‘Obsessed’ on A&E made me grateful that I have not let me ocd take over my life. Although I’d rather die than touch a doorknob, every once in a while I will attempt to touch one as a form of shock treatment. I usually chicken out, but I can proudly say that in the past 10 years, I have touched at least 5 doorknobs with my whole hand! That is growth! Be that as it may, this show is totally crazy. Like there was this lady whose father died in a car accident and she kept his bloody clothes in a box only to put them on every night to try and figure out exactly how he died! I mean really? If that wasn’t spooky enough, her young son caught her and asked her if she was wearing “grandpa’s clothes.” She lied until he opened the box to see his grandfather’s bloody clothes and started crying. It was so sad. Mainly because I know what its like to do embarrassing ass things that you can’t control. So let this be a lesson to you America: maybe you should watch an episode of this show before you judge people with ocd “tendencies” then have the nerve to buy “swine-flu” facemasks only to make yourself look like a douche bag.
P.S. Oprah is the new Jesus. She came to me in a dream last night and told me this. President Obama was up for the job but he didn’t get enough votes.
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