Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Scott Kardashian: Most Valuable Player

When it comes to the Kardashians there’s lots to keep up with. Mainly the random shit that they do on their E! show and how they pretend to have real talent (true story. No hatred here folks). Either way, I watch the show so what can I say. As we lead up to the season finale, E! blessed (or cursed) us with two brand new episodes, and one was so sweet with dysfunction that I need to see my dentist after watching. I’m talking of course about the episode where Scott Disick (aka Scott Kardashian, aka Kourtney’s baby’s daddy) flipped his lid and showed his rainbow of crazy man colors. In the episode Scott can be seen throwing back gallons of alcohol only to emerge as the hidden gem of the Kardashian fam bam. From his impeccable suit choices, (think Christian Bale in American Psycho) to his slicked back hair (again, think Christian Bale in American Pyscho) I mean this guy is unreal! Not only did he get into fights with pretty much everyone in sight, he whispered a few romantic morsels like: “I’m ready to fucking do some bad things tonight,” and “Don’t be looking at my cock sister!” Oooh and let's not forget when he seductively shoved a $100 bill in a waiters mouth for refusing to give him more booze. Romance! I mean honestly this was probably the best thing I’ve ever seen. It was electric, hilarious, and downright amazing! So to you Scott Disick Kardashian, I say welcome to the Reality TV Hall of Fame. Take a seat over there next to Natalie and her Chin (from the Bad Girl’s Club) and Shawna’s “Stage 5 Hurricane Face” (as told by Patti Stinger of ‘Millionaire Matchmaker').

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