Friday, June 5, 2009

Bravo TV, Now You’re Just Being Lazy

Why don’t I work for Bravo? If there is anyone who likes to take other people’s ideas and put their own stink on it, it’s The Latifah. How is it that all of your shows are just a “reality” version of a scripted show? It’s like you’re not even trying at this point. And what is this ‘Prep-school’ reality show business? People who like Gossip Girl I assume like it because they hate themselves. But more than that I think they watch it because it’s all drama filled and crazy with cute ass clothes to boot. Yes that formula works well on scripted TV because they are characters. When you watch real live rich kids from NYC who pop their collars and sneak into bars, the outcome is NOT the same. In the reality show world it basically makes them look like spoiled douche bags. That my friend is not interesting.

Also can you do me a favor and stop being lazy with your summer programming? Enough with the lost footage of the NYC Housewives reunion, and the lost lost footage of the Orange Country Housewives. What’s next, the lost footage of the Bravo TV janitor sweeping the floor? Or ‘Top Chef Breaks the Health Department Sanitation Rules.’ You obviously are all just sitting around in a circle saying “Hey what show can we jack this week & make with real people?” Anyone can do that, especially me…and I do it well. Can you hire me please? So, no? Too soon? I understand.

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